Venice Art Walk Studio tour & Silent auction At Google Headquarters - Venice Beach > May 16, 2016
CODAME Art + Tech * MOVEMENT * - San Francisco > October 24, 2015
Kinetic Show LA at the Santa Monica Airport > September 12th - Oct 3rd
TEDx * THE HUMAN CONDITION * - Marine County > September 17
The California Academy of Sciences - San Fransisco > August 6
Venice Art Walk studio tour & Google auction > May 16
Columbus Museum of Art (CMA) Ohio - WonderRoom (interactive) > in view until February 2016
A Ship in the Woods - Owl in the Daylight: A Tribute to Phillip K. Dick - San Diego area > Friday the 21st of November
Full Circle gallery - Venice Art Crawl - Venice CA > September 18th
Black Rock Arts Foundation's ARTumnal Fundraiser - San Francisco > Saturday, November 23
Art Prize - Grand Rapids, Michigan / September 18th > October 6th
Exploratorium Museum > After Dark special event - San Francisco > August 1st
Maker Fair Bay Area > San Mateo - California
Knowphest Exhibit > LADC studios - Los Angeles
20 Wonder - Down syndrome Fundraiser > Downtown Los Angeles
Made in LA > Site specific event on venice beach curated by the Hammer Museum - Los Angeles
Abbott Kinney Art Crawl > Venice CA
Autumn lights > DownTown Los Angeles Lights & Art gathering.
Squaw valley - Wanderlust gathering > lake Tahoe
Chicago > Grant Park / Millennium Park public exhibit
Austin Texas > Public exhibit in Zilker Park
Venice Art Walk > Frank Gehry Binocular building / Google headquarters
Gebert Gallery Winter group show - Dimensional works
Venice Art Walk > Venice Family Clinic annual fundraiser, California
Dwell on Design > Los Angeles convention center
"Cold Fusion" > Blend Gallery - Los Angeles